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The Larry King Genealogy Home Page

Dedicated to Patricia Trolinger of Miami, OK who got the ball rolling
Josephine (Duquette) King and Peter E. King ca. 1915

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Welcome to the King Family Genealogy website!  

Thanks for visiting!  This site is dedicated to the genealogical research of Larry King, his ancestors and their descendants.  My hope is to document their lives from their native countries into the US and their migration throughout the country. Your interest, information and photo input are appreciated.

Azen and Krause Families

The Azens and Krauses found opportunity in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area in the late 1800's and early 1900's, sailing for America from Russia, Hungary and Romania. Their lines are now included under separate Trees all coming together when the webmaster married Barbara Krause in 1997.
Max Azen Furs ad logo ca. 1945

Gamache Coat of ArmsGamache Families

Gamache is an old family name associated with the royalty of France in the Middle Ages. This family is fairly unique in that virtually all individuals in North America with this name are descended from one man, Nicolas Gamache, who emigrated to New France (Quebec Province, Canada) in 1635. Today, the name is more prevalent in Canada and North Amercia than it is in France. If you are a member of this family, you can have the relationship calculator on this site determine your exact relationship with any other member of the family. It is my intent to document every Gamache to have lived in North America.
Privacy Policy

In order to protect the privacy of living individuals, names of living individuals are shown as "Living".  Login IDs are required to access data for these people. While every attempt has been made to protect a living individual's privacy, there may be instances where errors exist.  If you notice any personal information on this site regarding living individuals, please contact webmaster and the information will be removed.  No login ID is required to view other data.

Unknown Cousins Added

I have added a slideshow collection of French Canadian ancestors and undoubtedly some of their friends as well. I received this album some years ago from
a now-deceased cousin who had it in their basement. They knew it would be valuable to someone someday but apparently never showed it around. The problem
is that only one is identified by a notation and that is not even family (that I can tell). You can view the SLIDESHOW right here

History of Novi Svet, Slovenia and the Menart family living there - translated to ENGLISH Memoir of Father Clifford King, SVD missionary in Papua, New Guinea and China Anecdotal Duquette family history and family recipes Updated version of the original Duquette Cookbook with memories of Alice, Richard and Rose Marie Hauke Gamache History from Europe to New France translated from the original French-language version; Written by Lise and Lisette Gamache More Gamache History from Europe to New France; Written by Gerald Lee Gamache Research of Lise and Lisette Gamache published in French in 1994